International Qualified Actuaries Group makes remaining a qualified actuary not only less hassle, but also cheaper. (See "Who is eligible to join" in Commonly Asked Questions below for the 9 actuarial organisations we currently accept verified members from).
If you are a qualified actuary, unless you are in a role which is restricted by law or regulation to members of particular organisations (e.g. about 9 out of 10 qualified IFoA members are not in such a role), you are two steps away from better value for money and a membership experience with proportionate regulation.
Step 1: Login to this site (use the LinkedIn button on the login page) to register your interest.
Step 2: apply to become a verified member. We will verify that you have the qualification you say you have and record it in the directory. Professional indemnity insurers, employers, clients, prospects, regulators and others will be able to check your status via our "Find a qualified actuary" service.
Getting to a better membership place
Much better value for money. An end to over-regulation. More interactive digital content.
Are you frustrated by:
- Very high membership subscription fees
- Increasing overreach of professional regulation
- Instrusion by your professional body into your personal life?
Login (use the LinkedIn button on the login page)
Benefits of verified membership
Services that provide great value for money, including:
- public verification that you obtained your qualification. Insurers, employers, clients and others can see a public verification that you passed the exams to gain your qualification
- public verification that you abide by and have met a code of professional conduct
- digital services that are far more interactive than with traditional actuarial bodies
- a code of professional conduct that avoids overreach into personal life
- putting the power of competition to work, to reduce the quasi monopoly power of existing bodies.
Login to this site (use the LinkedIn button on the login page) to register your interest.
"I want more focus on technical excellence, new emerging technical areas, true professionalism - all without the ideological and political capture in evidence currently." (IFoA Fellow)
"Thanks for all the hard work and voicing out for us, Patrick!" (IFoA Fellow)
Initial registrants for NewOrg (the stealth name for INQA GROUP) gave the IFoA a rating of 1.4 out of 10 for "value for money with regard to membership fees" and 1.8 out of 10 for "proportionality of regulation (i.e. avoids overregulation)".
How to Get Started
- If you haven't already done so, register on this site. To do this Login (using your LinkedIn credentials, you can do this via the LinkedIn button on the login page).
- Once you have registered and are logged in, contact us and ask to sign up to one of our paid plans, e.g. the Verified plan if you just want to be able to use the site to demonstrate to employers, professional indemnity insurers, clients and others that you are a bona fide qualified actuary.
- Depending on the plan you have signed up to, you will gain access to digital content via the site (e.g. to enable you to produce a personalised page on the site, with optional blog content).
Why is the International Qualified Actuaries Group needed?
INQA GROUP's founder, Patrick Lee, was a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries for 31 years, including 7 years spent on IFoA Council and 2 on its Management Board. As a business owner he experienced first hand the frustration of having to pay very high membership fees for IFoA Fellowship, and also the increasingly overbearing nature of the IFoA's regulation. The benefits obtained in return did not appear to be proportionate. He was also President of the Wessex Actuarial Society for over 8 years.
The annual membership fees/dues for several other associations also seem high in comparison to the benefits offered to members.
In INQA GROUP Patrick combines his experience of running actuarial organisations with over 30 years of software development, specialising in web and cloud services.
We want to provide you with a professional membership experience that is high quality, but also excellent value for money, far more transparent and with proportionate regulation.
Our Pricing Plans (initial prices are shown, may be subject to change from 1 Jan 2025)
Once you have logged in you are a registered member of this website (on the free plan) and have access to a limited amount of private content in addition to the public areas.
Registered users of this site agree that we may contact them from time to time to provide information about the services we provide. If at any time you no longer wish to be contacted and to be registered on the website, please let us know and we will cancel your registration.
Verified (£20 + VAT initial verification + £65 + VAT per year)
(For verified qualified actuary members only, please contact us to request this plan). (VAT at 20% is payable for individuals resident in the UK or EU).
You have the same access as under the Free plan, but in addition:
- we will check that you have the qualification you claim to have and if that process is successful, we will add you to the public searchable directory of international qualified actuaries. A non refundable verification fee of £20 + VAT is payable to cover the administration time required. Verification is a once only process (unless your qualification changes, e.g. you pass the additional exams to change from Associate to Fellow, in which case a change verification fee of £15 + VAT is payable)
- while you remain a Verified member, as well as appearing in the directory of international qualified actuaries, you will have access to additional private areas of the website that are not available to members in the Free plan.
- you may also create content (professional work related only please) on a public personal page within the site.
Premium 1 (£20 + VAT initial verification fee + £90 + VAT per year)
This plan is available only to qualified actuaries who have been verified (please contact us to request this plan).
You have the same access as Verified members, but in addition you will have access to additional private content and services, including:
- The ability to write blogs (for professional content only) and have them displayed either on your personal public page, and/or in a public area of the site designed to showcase members' professional content. See here for a screenshot of an example page.
Annual cost: £90 + VAT.
Additional or changed services and annual pricing updates
We reserve the right to charge extra for additional services and to increase prices annually in line with any rise in retail price inflation. As membership increases we also reserve the right to vary the pricing plans (e.g. to provide additional or different services in response to member feedback but we are committed to the principles of value for money and transparency.
Commonly Asked Questions
At the present time (2024) Qualified Actuaries (Fellows or Associates) who obtained their qualification from the following organisations are eligible for verified membership once their qualification has been verified:
- Actuarial Society of South Africa
- Actuaries Institute of Australia
- Canadian Institute of Actuaries
- Casualty Actuarial Society
- Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (or its precursors: Institute of Actuaries, Faculty of Actuaries)
- Institute of Actuaries of India
- Israel Association of Actuaries
- Society of Actuaries
- Society of Actuaries in Ireland.
These organisations have been chosen because of their broad similarity (as reflected by their connection via bilateral mutual recognition agreements for each organisation above with at least one other organisation above, either equating Associate to Associate, or Fellow to Fellow, or both) and very significant examination requirements in addition to a university degree.
No. In the same way that some actuaries are members of both the IFoA and the (US) SOA or the (South African) ASSA or the SAI (Ireland), there is no restriction from INQA GROUP's point of view on members joining other organisations at the same time. (Such a restriction would arguably be anti-competitive and illegal, as indeed would for example a restriction placed by another body on actuaries joining INQA GROUP). But note that since INQA GROUP's membership fees are designed to be cost neutral, there will be no reduction in the INQA GROUP fees for actuaries who are members of other organisations. There is also no concept of primary regulator: all INQA GROUP members are subject to our Code of Professional Conduct, regardless of any other organisation they may be part of.
You will need to check with the relevant legal authority, but the short answer is probably not.
Most (but not necessarily all, e.g. you can be Chief Actuary of a non life insurance company in the UK without being an IFoA Fellow provided you are not an IFoA member) reserved roles require either through legislation or statutory regulation that the holder is a current Fellow of the IFoA. Other countries may have similar requirements with regards to the relevant country associations (e.g. SOA/CAS for USA, ASSA for South Africa).
The situation in other countries may be different. But with regard to the UK, only about 10 % of IFoA Fellows work in a reserved role, so for 90% of Fellows this should not be a problem. For those who it might become one (e.g. because they are likely to be considered for a reserved role in the near future), it would be very unreasonable (providing the Fellow can provide evidence of having kept up good CPD [Continuing Professional Development] during any period of leaving the IFoA) for the IFoA to refuse to readmit the member prior to their taking up the reserved role. (The Fellow would of course need to meet the IFoA's requirements regarding obtaining a Practice Certificate).
For professional indemnity purposes, the key question that insurers normally want to know the answer to is:
- whether a person who says they hold an actuarial qualification genuinely obtained that qualification (i.e. if they say they passed the exams to become a Fellow of e.g. the Institute of Actuaries in year yyyy, is that correct).
Other questions that might be asked include:
- does the person follow a code of professional conduct and if so which one
- do they have a clean professional conduct record.
Qualified actuaries who have (and maintain) Verified status with INQA GROUP will be able to provide evidence (to brokers, but also to employers, clients and others) to answer the above questions by pointing to their publicly available entry in INQA GROUP's Find An Actuary page on the website. It is a condition of retaining Verified status that actuaries agree to abide by INQA GROUP's Code of Professional Conduct.
The level of charges set out above are designed to cover the costs of running and administering the organisation and website.
These include:
- reasonable secretariat time to verify that qualified actuaries are who they say they are and have passed the exams they claim to have passed
- infrastructure costs including website/database/file storage/bandwidth cloud charges and software licenses
- secretariat time in developing and maintaining the above
- secretariat administration time (e.g. responding to enquiries, sending out information to members, maintaining the International Qualified Actuaries Directory)
- building up reserves for any future disciplinary investigations and possible tribunals. (These are expected to be rare, but will need to be paid for if/when they arise).
The aim is not to make a profit over the long term, but to cover reasonable costs and to avoid any significant cross subsidies across different categories of members or different types of services. Covering possible future disciplinary cases is different and requires a form of insurance including initially building up reserves while membership numbers build up. There are also initial setup costs (including developing the initial infrastructure) which will need to be recouped.
We are committed to a very high level of transparency as to how funds are spent.
IAA/AAE membership fees are not included because a) they are fixed by the IAA/AAE (around £20 per qualified member for each of IAA and AAE), and b) INQA GROUP would not be eligible to join IAA fully until it has been in existence for 3 full years and joining the AAE would require a MRA (Mutual Recognition Agreement). In any case, whether INQA GROUP joins the IAA (or AAE) in due course will be up to members.
Start your new membership journey by registering
Start your new membership journey by registering
Login (click the "Use LinkedIn" button on the login page)